News and updates
COVID-19 Benefit and Reimbursement FAQ
In our effort to support providers, we've compiled COVID-19-related answers to the most commonly asked questions about coding instructions, reimbursement provisions, telehealth, and more. We want to...
InTouch Enhancements Make Managing Online Proposals and Quotes Easier
Beginning August 3, 2020, some exciting updates to the InTouch for Agents (ITA) web portal will make managing your small group proposals and quotes easier. Once the enhancements...
September 2020 Drug List Change Notification
Updates on Existing Criteria
Preauthorization Criteria – Clinical Updates
Ferriprox and Exjade & Jadenu – Combine policies to create “Chelating Agents”
Histrelin – Update...
Multi-Factor Authentication for OneHealthPort
Starting August 11, 2020, InTouch for Providers users will see the addition of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to OneHealthPort’s Single Sign-On (SSO) service.
Expanded in-network providers for Navigator and Pathfinder members
We're pleased to announce that members now have significantly more in-network provider options and more access to care across the state of Washington.
New cards will be mailed...
New cards will be mailed...
Effective August 16, 2020, the 835 PLB Segment Will Include the Patient Account Number
If you are currently enrolled to receive Electronic Remittance Advice (835), this enhancement will result in additional data you receive via 835 transaction on corrected claims.
The following...
SCL Health Montana Joins Navigator
Montana Agent Bulletin
SCL Health Montana is now part of the PacificSource Navigator network for large group members, effective May 1, 2020.
Individual, small, and large...
New COVID-19 Site Provides Updates and Resource
All of our COVID-19 information is now in one convenient place on our PacificSource Blog site, and is accessible to everyone. We will update this site as new information and resources become...
Understanding 7 Health Insurance Concepts
It can be difficult to keep up with what’s going on in the world of health insurance and understand how your health coverage works. Here are 7 concepts that may help you better understand your health...
Get EOB statements by email!
Help us reduce our reliance on paper resources by choosing to receive notices of your billing and Explanation of Benefit statements by email. Simply visit and log in to InTouch for...